Susie West
Painting my way around Britain's lovely cities, towns and villages
Also originals, commissions and personalised prints
Latest News
I have a new website, so won't be posting news on here any more. Please visit All my prints are there, fair dates, retailers... and the contact page works! (Please note that Art Class details will still be here on the art club page.)
* I've got Facebook working! I've had to create a new profile and page. Please come join me at artistsusiewest
* Prints are now available to buy through Folksy! Please visit the Prints page for a preview, or my new Folksy shop!

* Find my prints on the brand new shop from The Simple Things magazine - and see my St Ives travel print featured in July's issue!
* I'm now on Twitter! Join me at @artistsusiewest!
* GLOW MAGAZINE INTERVIEW - If you want to know why a poor little mushroom almost put me off art, it's all explained in an interview with Glow magazine!